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Multi-Disciplinary Experts
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Multi-Disciplinary Experts

Combining Medical and Technical Expertise

At Multi-Disciplinary Experts we help you find the right combination of medical and technical experts for your case. Where possible we find physicians that have additional technical expertise to address all major issues of your case.

Seasoned lawyers know that many cases, particularly cases involving claims of personal injury, require multiple areas of expertise. A case may require an expert to testify to the likely amount of an exposure (EXPOSURE). An expert is required to testify as to whether or not the likely exposure can cause the claimed injury (GENERAL CAUSATION). A medical expert is then required to testify as to other likely causes of the claimed injury other than the likely exposure and whether there are other more likely causes (SPECIFIC CAUSATION).

Multiple areas of expertise usually require multiple experts. This results in the cost of multiple experts that likely do not understand the disciplines of the other experts. This can be avoided by hiring an expert who has documented credentials in all of the relevant areas of expertise.

We can provide a medical doctor (M.D.) with additional technical expertise in the following types of cases:

  • Automobile and Trucking Accidents (Physician-Biomedical Engineer; Dentist-Accident Reconstructionist)
  • Slips and Falls (Physician-Biomedical engineer-Certified Industrial Hygienist; Dentist-Accident Reconstructionist)
  • Toxic Tort and Chemical Exposures (Physician-Toxicologist-Certified Industrial Hygienist)
  • Driving While Intoxicated (Physician-Toxicologist)
  • Mold (Physician-Toxicologist-Certified Industrial Hygienist- Licensed Builder)
  • Food Poisoning (Physician-Toxicologist-Epidemiologist)
  • COVID (Physician-Toxicologist-Certified Industrial Hygienist)
  • MRSA (Physician-Epidemiologist)
  • Worker’s Compensation (Physician-Toxicologist-Biomedical Engineer-Certified Industrial Hygienist)
  • Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction (TMJ)
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